
Friday, April 13, 2012

Obeying, having fears, yet resting in the peace.....

Growing up I was blessed with a youth pastor that taught me how to hear the Lord's voice. Little did I know how important and vital that would be in my christian walk. Hearing the small, suttle, yet powerful and strong voice, leaves me with a peace. A peace in the midst of my fears. He reassures me that when He calls HE will go before me and prepare me for my path. It's that saying... He doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called.
I have to ask myself; why would he call me to do something that I am able to do? I don't NEED him, if I am able to do it on my own. However, if I feel inadequate and unable to perform the task at hand.... I HAVE TO LEAN ON HIM! I NEED Him to help me through the entire way. It is through these times that in the end God gets the glory.
About a month ago, I was laying in bed and low and behold God spoke to me CLEAR AS DAY! He said he wanted me to homeschool all of my kids next year. I spoke this to Paul, thinking he was going to tell me I was crazy. All to find out that he was on board. (I am so thankful for an amazing husband) For those of you that know me... My desire has never been to homeschool. I almost had all of my kids at school. I was almost a free women :) Not to mention I am very insecure at teaching. I know I have a lot to learn and get ready for. However, I do know GOD IS ON MY SIDE. I am resting in a peace knowing that if I did not homeschool, I would being disobeying the Lord. And when our children disobey we give them consequences. So, I know I would have consequences if I didn't do this. I don't know how long I will homeschool. I will keep going until the Lord tells me to stop.
I am to the point now that I am getting excited. Crazy I know! I have already started some schooling with the young boys. They are liking it and doing well. Please don't bust my naive little bubble of excitement hahahhaa
With all of this said, I am so grateful that the Lord speaks to me. I am grateful that he leads, guides and protects me through this life's journey. I can only hope and pray that I am raising up world changers for the kingdom of God, and that Scott Jett would be proud! Making decisions for our kids without him is not easy. However, I am resting in that small, suttle, yet powerful strong voice of the Lord. And there is a peace that passes all understanding in this place!!!!
Thank you for your continued prayers! They mean a lot!!!!!


  1. Love it Cori!! Love you too! and Scott is proud, for sure!

  2. Wow, that's exciting! Homeschooling is definitely not the easy way out... but I know God will equip you since He called you. I struggle with it sometimes, but it doesn't have to be as stressful as I let it be sometimes. If you ever want to chat about it, let me know. :o)
